
In this election season, it’s tempting to ask CCCC or NCTE to issue a statement for or against a presidential candidate. Don’t count on it. We are organized as a 501(c)(3) organization, which means is that we should not do the following:

  • carry on propaganda
  • attempt to influence legislation
  • participate in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office (and this includes publishing or distributing statements)

The good news is that while we are utterly forbidden from participating in any political campaign, we are allowed some degree of lobbying (trying to influence legislation). But the tax code makes it very clear that such activities can’t be a substantial amount of our activity (it’s safe to say we stay well below that limit). Please see the NCTE Statement on Lobbying for full information.

In talking with lawmakers and regulators, what do you think our organization’s priorities should be? What are your personal priorities? What about the broader field’s priorities?

NCTE sponsors an annual Advocacy Day, where members are invited to Washington to meet their legislators and tell them about issues of literacy and education they care about. The next such event is Feb 25, 2016, and you’re all invited to participate.

Just don’t ask us to contribute to a campaign or write an endorsement for a candidate (or group of candidates). As tempting as that is, we just can’t do it.

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